The ultimate checklist for the best VoIP and UC&C solutions
Before being wooed by features and stickers, get to grips with whether the foundation will keep the house standing. Andrew King, Head of Division: Voice…
LTE connectivity backup fulfils Business Continuity Plan at home
Hybrid or remote working and online schooling have meant that many homeowners are compelled to think of their homes as small business premises. Setting up…
Forget the future – LTE is the present of super-fast Connectivity.
In today’s fast-paced world, speed is king – particularly when it comes to Connectivity. Let’s face it, the Internet has become essential (even in a...
Lights. Generator. Action
Keeping the lights on has become a South African business imperative, but the costs and the challenges are proving overwhelming for many Loadshedding is costing...
Hello World – Let’s put some Fibre in that Home
Today we talk about the Crown Jewel, the prodigal son (not you, Harry – go away), the one Connection to rule them all – today,...
Networking: Building Professional Relationships for Success
The world we live in is more intertwined than ever – and this new (or should we say not so new?) reality is only becoming...
Satellite Internet in 2023: The Future of Rural Connectivity
You’ve heard (and we’ve said) a lot about modern Connectivity Solutions. Fibre is fast, LTE is a speeding bullet, the world revolves around optimised modern...
Business Fibre: Because Slow Internet is Not an Option
You already know we’re in the business of Fibre (if you don’t – which rock have you been living under, and does it have electricity?...
The risks inherent in an unmanaged Microsoft 365 environment
Organisations need to rethink their security technology stack and how environments are managed and contained, says Gartner in an analysis of the threat vectors most...
Let’s talk… Vox Connectivity
Here we stand in early 2023 – with the world around us vastly different to the one we remember a short few years ago. The...