Understanding What the Fibre is an ISP (and why exactly do we need it?)
The universal rule of being a South African is that if we can’t see what it does and it never works, it’s either Eskom, Home…
ADSL is dead, long live fibre
By Navisha Naidoo, Product Manager: ADSL and FTTH at Vox Having served its purpose in ushering in high-speed internet access in South Africa, ADSL has…
The APN is still alive and kicking
Theolin Moodley: Senior Product Manager at Vox The architecture and topology of an Access Point Name (APN), once developed, had gained traction when CIOs and…
How NOT to get Hacked: A Survival Word to the ‘not so wise’.
We’d like to think we’ve come a long way from the days of chain mails, ‘forward this to ten people or suffer from bad luck…
It’s fun to be in the… PoPIA?
Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it… Truth be told, the Protection of Personal Information Act (and the feelings it evokes) can, at surface…
The Future of Cloud in South Africa
Spoiler alert: it’s multi-faceted and customisable. It’s also the key to digital transformation and a comprehensive business strategy. Digitalisation allows businesses to speed up normal…
PoPIA Compliance – Making It Work For Business
Thanks to digital transformation, we’re living in the golden age of personal data. Never before have we been able to record, store and access so…
With Email, it Pays to Go Paid
When it comes to choosing between a paid vs free email service, first ask yourself why you wouldn’t put a price on privacy. It’s been…
The Future of Video Games Unpacked…
Today, the video game industry is a behemoth, bringing in billions (yes, billions) of dollars in revenue each year. In 2019 alone, the gaming and…
Let’s talk SD-WAN
It may sound like a barcode or a Wi-Fi password gone wrong, but SD-WAN is a lot more complex, intricate and most of all useful…