There are few things in life more painful than Eskom.

Death perhaps, taxes (LOVE us some VAT increases), the price of petrol, Elon Musk – it’s a long list. They say South Africans are most adept at braai-ing, spotting danger at red lights, and acclimatising to scenarios that NOBODY else (in any country, any time) has to suffer through. A shared pain point, however (small consolation, we know), is the pain of moving. Studies have ranked it as stressful as a divorce (unless you’re celebrating) and a death in the family (unless you’re inheriting).

Moving and ISPs. Yoh, talk about a deadly combination.

We prefer Elon Musk. Marginally.

Between packing boxes, wrapping items in newspaper, emptying the cupboard you’ve religiously dumped your “stuff I may need one day”, and dealing with the moving guys (who inevitably break something which they insist was always like that), you’ve got your hands full. There’s cleaning a new place, driving at 10kmph in front of the van, trying to PIVOT a mattress up a set of stairs seemingly designed to inconvenience you, and getting a fridge off a truck whilst swearing at the guy who stumbled. Then there’s the tearful goodbyes as you close off old homes and memories, the moment you realise your washing machine doesn’t fit there, and the great Fibonacci conundrum of our generation that is figuring out which way to position the couch (hint – face the TV).

In short, moving has its challenges, and the last thing you need is extra stress.

We’ve been there, and we’ve done that. And we also realised ON moving day that our ISP (starts with M, ends with Web), existed purely to compound our issues. See, normally you have to notify your ISP that you’re moving premises 30 days in advance. Then, despite not cancelling, you must pay fees, try and convince your Service Provider not to charge you, fail, contact customer support and hang up multiple times, rant on Facebook, then give up.

At Vox, however, we do things a little differently. Here’s the short version:

  • If you’re a loyal Vox customer, we’ll give you one month’s free service should you move and choose to stay with us (call it separation anxiety, call it generosity, we’re easy either way).
  • Let us know 31 days before moving, so we can notify those pesky FNOs and get your new order placed.
  • Select your new package based on your needs (don’t stress, our agents will guide you through this).
  • Cancel your old package (this isn’t by choice – a fixed line is linked to a fixed address. Also, there *may* be a small fee. We know, we know, but we make it up to you).
  • Set up with your new router at your new address (you can do it yourself or call a technician – the choice is yours. Just make sure not to throw the old router away so that we can recollect it from you).
  • That’s it. You’re good to go and can enjoy one month free on us.


Although pita has origins stemming from somewhere in the Middle East, we’re quite certain that a different form of PITA (short for Pain In The….) has its roots steeped in FNOs while moving. You’re already juggling a million expenses and a billion things to worry about – why compound it?

See, at Vox, we specialise in simplified service excellence (actually, we specialise in a few things, but making life easier is at around the top of our list). Let us lighten your load and kickstart your moving process today: – we’ll do the rest, or at least save you some cash so you can invest in a nice throw (or something – décor isn’t our thing).

*Cancelling your existing services

As the Fibre infrastructure is fixed to the premises, we unfortunately cannot move it to your new home, therefore we will need to process a cancellation for your existing services, and we will require a min of a calendar months’ notice as per our standard Ts&Cs. Cancellation penalties might apply.