Have you ever wondered why your Netflix still buffers on occasion, or why you can get no WiFi signal in some parts of the house when you’re meant to have super fast Fibre? Maybe you have experienced these frustrations and your initial reaction is to swear a little at your Fibre provider. However, what you are experiencing is most likely a lack of WiFi coverage in your home or small office and has nothing to do with your Fibre connectivity.


Why do I have poor WiFi coverage?

Home conditions vary significantly from one home to another. The size of the home, the makeup of the walls, the number of floors, and the level of interference are among numerous factors that cause poor WiFi coverage across the entire home. One WiFi access point in your home only extends to a confined coverage area and has a limited throughput available. This means one access point only reaches to a small area in your home or office and can only connect a limited number of devices at the same time.

If you have one router in your home, then you only have one WiFi access point. Medium sized homes require more than one access point to cover every room in the house. This is where your WiFi signal drops off. Most people are utilising their Fibre connectivity over a large area with multiple users connecting to the same access point.


How do I get better WiFi coverage?

To get the best WiFi signal from your Fibre connectivity, you need more access points. Getting a booster or extender access point can provide better coverage in the house. You can get multiple boosters or one booster, depending on the size of your home and the amount of people sharing your Internet connection. With a WiFi Mesh kit, you can get 100% coverage throughout your home with multiple users on multiple devices. WiFi boosters and WiFi Mesh kits require no installation.

The Vox AirTies Mesh is a good solution to boost your WiFi signal and extend your coverage throughout your home. Order yours today.