The advent of 5G technology is transforming the telecommunications landscape, offering faster data speeds as well as significant advancements in cybersecurity. 5G can enhance your company’s security measures through the following significant offerings:

  • Enhanced data encryption
  • Strengthened privacy protections
  • Network slicing
  • Improved authentication
  • Advanced monitoring and threat detection
  • Edge computing
  • Improved and automated security protocols
  • Enabling secure IoT ecosystems
  • Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)
  • Roaming security.


We take a look at how 5G networks can significantly boost your company’s cybersecurity posture.


Enhanced Data Encryption

5G networks come equipped with advanced encryption standards that surpass those of previous generations. The deployment of 256-bit encryption and improved cryptographic algorithms makes data transmission more secure, safeguarding against cyber threats and potential future quantum attacks.

  • In short: These upgraded encryption standards protect data during transmission, making it more difficult for cybercriminals to intercept and decode sensitive information.


Strengthened Privacy Protections

5G improves privacy through enhanced data anonymisation techniques. Unlike earlier networks, 5G doesn’t transmit users’ permanent or temporary identifiers in plaintext. Instead, it uses a privacy-preserving identifier, the Subscriber Concealed Identity, which encrypts users’ identities and locations.

  • In short: By incorporating these 5G privacy features, you can better protect sensitive business and customer information from potential misuse and breaches.


Network Slicing

A unique feature of 5G is network slicing, which allows for the creation of multiple virtual networks within a single physical infrastructure. Each slice can be customised for specific security needs, performance requirements and isolation levels. This means critical business functions can be isolated from less sensitive operations, enhancing overall security. This segmentation helps in managing security policies and mitigating potential breaches. Also, in the event of an incident, traffic can be quickly blocked or quarantined if it’s on a separate network slice.

  • In short: This segregation helps mitigate the impact of potential breaches and allows for more precise control over security policies.


Improved Authentication

5G networks enhance authentication with advanced protocols, including multi-factor authentication (MFA) and biometric verification. The 5G Authentication and Key Agreement protocol uses asymmetric randomised encryption for verifying users, devices and network elements. This is more secure than traditional methods and reduces the risk of unauthorised access and identity theft.

Additionally, the integration of these protocols streamlines authentication for various devices, including IoT devices, which may rely on embedded SIMs instead of physical ones.

  • In short: By adopting these robust authentication measures, you can ensure that only authorised personnel have access to sensitive information.


Advanced Monitoring and Threat Detection

5G networks offer advanced monitoring capabilities that provide real-time visibility into network activity and potential threats. With sophisticated data analytics and machine learning, businesses can detect anomalies and security incidents more quickly.

  • In short: This proactive approach allows for faster responses to emerging threats, thereby reducing the likelihood of data breaches and strengthening your security posture.


Edge Computing

Edge computing, supported by 5G, processes data closer to where it is generated rather than relying on centralised data centres. This decentralisation reduces the exposure of sensitive information while also improving response times to security incidents.

  • In short: By maximising edge computing, your business can enhance its data security, experience lower latency and handle critical information more efficiently.


Improved and Automated Security Protocols

5G networks introduce advanced security protocols and automation to improve data protection. Automated systems in 5G networks can detect and respond to threats without manual intervention, streamlining security operations and reducing the time window for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities.

  • In short: Improved and automated security protocols are especially important in today’s era, when data breaches and information leakage are significant concerns.


Enabling Secure IoT Ecosystems

5G’s scalability supports a vast number of IoT devices, connecting up to a million devices per square kilometre. This scalability, coupled with improved speed and reliability, enhances the security of IoT networks.

  • In short: 5G enables comprehensive end-to-end security solutions for interconnected devices, ensuring robust protection against potential vulnerabilities and enabling real-time security monitoring and analysis.


Advancements in AI and Machine Learning

The high data throughput and low latency of 5G together facilitate advanced AI and machine learning applications in cybersecurity. These technologies can analyse vast amounts of data in real-time to predict and neutralise threats before they cause harm.

  • In short: As cyber threats evolve, AI-driven solutions supported by 5G can adapt quickly, providing ongoing protection against new tactics used by cybercriminals.


Roaming Security

5G enhances roaming security with consistent protocols and controls across network nodes. The Security Edge Protection Proxy (SEPP) replaces older systems like Signalling System 7 (SS7) and Diameter used in 3G and 4G networks, providing end-to-end protection for network traffic.

  • In short: This advancement simplifies security processes, while maintaining robust protection for roaming communications.


Safeguarding Your Security with 5G

5G technology is not just about faster connectivity; it represents a significant leap forward in cybersecurity. With its advanced encryption, privacy protections, network slicing and enhanced monitoring capabilities, 5G offers a comprehensive framework for strengthening your organisation’s security.

Embracing 5G can help safeguard your business against evolving cyber threats and ensure a resilient digital infrastructure.

Feel free to contact Vox for further information about implementing 5G to enable your business, and keep it safe moving forward.