The internet is part of everyday life now and something that we access continually, whether it’s for online banking and shopping, working and studying, or gaming and entertainment options.

And the difference between having access to capped versus uncapped data can feel life-changing – not to mention that if you are constantly topping up your data, it can quickly become expensive. In comparison, Fibre to the Home (FTTH) provides lightning-fast, uncapped data – and the cost just might surprise you when you compare it to constantly having to buy data bundles.

Why not check out our Vox FTTH offerings and see how making the switch to uncapped data could change your life for the better?


What’s Your Story?

Almost everyone has had a bad experience with using uncapped data – so what’s yours?

Maybe you were working from home with an urgent deadline, but your Internet wasn’t up to the task and you missed the cut-off. (You also missed out on your next pay increase.)

Or perhaps your data ran out during a job interview? (Another potential salary increase that went whizzing by into the realm of ‘If Only’…)

What about that movie you were really looking forward to watching, but it stopped streaming halfway through? Or the times you were speaking to family members far away and the data-based call dropped, just when the catch-up was getting really enjoyable?

Maybe you were writing an online exam at home, but your data cut out and stopped you from submitting the paper. (You still passed, but that zero really brought down your grade average for the year.)

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Running-out-of-data stories generally don’t end with a smile on the storyteller’s face – so maybe it’s time to ditch using a data package that needs constant topping up, and move over to the convenience and enjoyment of fast, uncapped data with Vox’s Fibre to the Home.


Problem, Solution: Enter Vox

If you’re still thinking: “Why Vox Fibre for your Home?” – well, Vox offers access to a home environment where super-fast Internet lets customers stream Netflix or YouTube without the annoying buffering. It allows you to connect multiple devices inside your home, simultaneously, on a single Fibre line. You can surf the Internet – for working, studying, gaming, shopping, socialising or simply being entertained – with no interruptions.

Long story short: Vox FTTH offerings bring you a home in which your Internet experience is reliable and fast (Eskom allowing, of course, and Vox has loadshedding solutions there too).

And not only does Vox FTTH bring you a fantastic Internet experience, it’s also pretty easy to sign up with us.


Easy Steps to Signing Up with Vox

Fibre Coverage?

The first step is checking that Fibre lines have been laid in the ground in your area. Go to the ‘Vox Shop’ to check out the useful coverage map. Simply put in your address – you can have a quick peak at the neighbours’ rooftops and surrounding vicinity if you enjoy cyber-sleuthing – to find out if Fibre to the Home is available in your area. The answer will come up very quickly.

Fibre Package

Next up is to choose a Fibre package option. Once you’ve matched the options to your needs, simply hit the ‘Send’ button and follow the instructions to input your details.

Quotation and RICA Time

Next, you will receive an emailed quote from one of our sales consultants. When you accept the quote, you’ll also need to send in your RICA documents.

  • A quick technical note: By law, you need to follow RICA procedures (the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication Related Information Act), which involves submitting certain documents, like your ID and proof of current address. RICA legislation was enacted to protect the security and privacy of South Africans.


Fibre Installation with the FNO

Once all your documents are processed, Vox will log a call with the relevant Fibre supplier associated with your chosen quotation package.

  • Another quick technical note: As an Internet Service Provider (ISP), Vox works with the Fibre Network Operators (FNOs) who own and operate the Fibre lines in the ground.


It’s a Date!

The relevant FNO will get in touch with you to bring a short Fibre line onto your property. Basically, the FNO’s job is to connect the Fibre outside in the street into your home, ultimately to be connected to your Vox Wi-Fi equipment.

The FNO will plan the route for the Fibre line and the location of the ONT inside your home, which you’ll be asked to accept and sign off.

  • Another quick technical note: The ONT is the Optical Network Terminal and is also commonly referred to as a ‘fibre box’. The ONT is what allows the fibre optic cable to be connected from inside your home, out through your property and to the fibre network at the street.


Once you have signed off the necessary paperwork for the Fibre line handover with the FNO company, it’s back to Vox.

Vox Wi-Fi Router

Vox will deliver your Wi-Fi router by courier. You’ll then set up the Wi-Fi router as per the self-installation instructions, which are simple and clear to understand. Welcome to an online experience that is easy, uncapped and FAST!


Come Home to Vox

Are you ready to make the life-changing move to uncapped data and super-fast internet?

With Vox, you will enjoy uncapped Wi-Fi, with unlimited surfing possibilities, an end to movies buffering, super-fast gaming and a working-from-home experience that, quite simply, works.

Just click here to find out more about signing up for FTTH with Vox.